Thursday, 22 January 2015

The Devil's Delusion - Atheism and its scientific pretensions - David Berlinski

A great read - an erudite and witty examination of a variety of arguments that science proves there is no God. David Berlinski shows from a scientific and philosophical perspective the case against God isn't anywhere near as conclusive as other "scientists" would have us believe.

It amazes me how the atheist scientists don't seem to address the weaknesses in their own arguments and from this they lose credibility.

David Berlinski makes the point (very neatly) that it is difficult to call our recent history "enlightened" when we consider the human suffering and misery of (amongst others) the first and second World Wars (70 million dead).

While there is debate as to whether Hitler was a believer (there seems no doubt that Stalin wasn't), David Berlinski makes the striking point that for those who carry out atrocities, it is unlikely that they "believe" that "God is watching".  If God isn't watching it means that there is no higher authority, therefore, no moral pause before you act. David Berlinski describes this as the "meaning" of a secular society.

What I like about David Berlinski's style is that he doesn't try to guilt you into believing what he believes or what he argues. Professor Dawkins in the Greatest Show on Earth compares people who do not believe in evolution as "history deniers" not dissimilar to Holocaust deniers. If Professor Dawkins has such a strong case for evolution why try to guilt people into believing?

Friday, 16 January 2015

The End of Faith by Sam Harris

I was planning on doing a full review of Sam Harris' book "The End of Faith" but after reading the first few chapters I felt that the book didn't deserve my time for a full review given its poor analysis. I did finish the book but have limited my review just to chapter 4 - The Problem with Islam - so as to give an idea of the inaccurate conclusions the book has.

Certainly as the book is from an atheist perspective I can expect some criticism of religion but what I found astonishing was the criticism, certainly with regards to Islam, was more prejudicial rather than an intelligent critique. Here is why I think that....

"...the Muslim world has no shortage of educated and prosperous men and women, suffering little more than their infatuation with Koranic eschatology, who are eager to murder infidels for God's sake."

Is this really true? What is this observation based on? I can say that I am a Muslim, have lived in the Middle East for about 15 years - I haven't come across educated and prosperous people who are "eager to murder infidels". In fact, just the opposite. I have met Muslims who are part of "dawah" (meaning invitation) organisations who invite people to Islam.

I found this statement shocking and really cannot think of another way to describe it than bigoted and prejudicial.

"We are at war with Islam"

Not sure who Sam is referring to when he says "We" are at war with Islam but it is ironic that he is essentially trying to portray Islam as an aggressive and violent religion and then he goes and declares that "We" are at war with Islam.  Bizarre.

"...war against infidels and apostates is a central feature of faith.."

Sam what have you been reading? How on Earth did you come to this conclusion about the religion of Islam? Really this is so far off the mark. Rather than me provide evidence to the contrary I would love to invite you to live as a Muslim for a week or a month so you can at least better see how Muslims see their own religion.

"...almost any act of violence against infidels can now be plausibly construed as an action in defence of the faith..."

Again, just not true.

"..the basic thrust of the doctrine is undeniable: convert, subjugate, or kill unbelievers; kill apostates..."

Again, not true. Does Sam think everyone in the Middle East is Muslim? Have all expats in the Middle East converted? How many apostates are there? How many are executed by the state?  Are Muslims really required to kill unbelievers? If you are an unbeliever and you are reading this do you know of a Muslim who tried or is trying to kill you?  This is very Fox News style bigotry and very poor in terms of the quality of analysis. Sam, couldn't you have looked a bit more at how Muslims consider their religion? Not saying you have to accept what they say but at least a little balance?

"Within the House of Islam, the penalty for learning too much about the World - so as to call the tenets of the faith into question - is death"

Come on Sam how on Earth can you say this? What did you base this comment on?  Really, in the Muslim world you can die for learning too much about the World? Who has died? In what circumstances? Actually this blog is proof against what you are saying. I am learning about the World and am currently learning about what atheists think.  I must say this quote was the one that turned me off from completing a full review of the other chapters of the book. If Sam cannot provide evidence for this outlandish comment why should I waste my time reviewing other such silly comments.

"If you believe anything like what the Koran says you must believe in order to escape the fires of hell, you will, at the very least, be sympathetic with the actions of Osama bin Laden..."

Goodness me! Imagine. I believe in everything that the Quran says! So what does that make me in Sam's eyes? Bloody hell. What utter nonsense. Please Sam, please live as a Muslim for a week or so. You will honestly get a better idea of how we think and then you will realise that we don't support terrorism.

"..the people who died on September 11 were nothing more than fuel for the eternal fires of God's justice..."

What can I say? Sam what do you base these ridiculous comments on?

Sam then recites a good number of sentences from the Quran - all out of context and with no explanation. Not even of the standard a school kid attending high school  would review a book for an English literature essay. Sam, have you heard of "tafseer"? It is the explanation and interpretation of the Quran to provide a proper and deeper understanding of the text.

"On almost every page, the Koran instructs observant Muslims to despise non-believers."

Again, not true!

The Quran essentially explains to humankind to believe in God (Allah), don't ascribe partners to him, to enjoin good and forbid evil, fast in Ramadan, don't tell lies, give charity and be kind to people. God (Allah) describes himself as the most merciful....certainly more merciful than any human including Sam Harris.

Quran Surah Zumar 39:53

Sahih International
Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."

So where is Sam going with all this? Why put the case that Islam is deadly, violent and aggressive?

"Muslims might then come to see the wisdom of moderating their thinking on a wide variety of subjects . Otherwise, we will be obliged to protect our interests in the world with force -..."

How ironic, so Sam is saying to the Muslims, your religion is far too violent and aggressive so you need to moderate yourselves or else we will  "protect our interests...with force". So the peaceful one (Sam) is threatening the use of force. I wonder if Sam sees the irony of this - accuse a community of being aggressive (and therefore by implication the accuser is obviously peaceful) but then threaten the supposed aggressive community with violence.

Quran Surah Baqarah 2:11

"now when it is said to them do not do mischief on the Earth they say on the contrary it is we who are the peacemakers."

Sam doesn't sound like a peacemaker to me.

By the end of chapter 4 I decided to continue reading "The End of Faith" but not waste my time doing a review.  There is so much to point out as wrong in Chapter 4 that I would simply conclude that Sam does not understand how Muslims view their own religion. I say this as a Muslim, living with Muslims in the Middle East. My best suggestion for Sam is to live with Muslims for a week or so - I think from this he would get a better understanding of Islam and how Muslims view their religion.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Chapter 10 - The God Delusion Richard Dawkins - A Much Needed Gap

In the final chapter of the book Professor Richard Dawkins makes the point that the idea of God fills a gap in our lives in the same way that an imaginary friend fills a gap in the life of a child. Again, no scientific evidence for this - more of a thought and certainly not persuasive in putting across the view that belief in God is delusional.

Professor Dawkins then refers to the burka (a form of Islamic dress for women) and makes the point that while such form of dress covers the body except for a small slit for the eyes then this image can be used to show the similarity of a mind which excludes science. A bizarre analogy to me as it presupposes that Muslims have no belief in science (not true). Again, no science to support this point and again no real argument to support the title of the book whether a belief in a God is a delusional belief.

Professor Dawkins has a shot at the burka saying it is an instrument of oppression. Again, no evidence given for this. What clothing would be suitable or appropriate Professor Dawkins does not say. If a burka covers most of the body and therefore is a symbol or restricting the mind is a bikini a symbol of great learning and enlightenment? What about people in cold countries don't they need to cover up to keep warm? Are they also uneducated because of covering up?

A disappointing end to an interesting book.  Certainly, I am not convinced that a belief in a God (any God for that matter) is delusional per se. In fact, Professor Dawkin's acknowledgement of a possible existence of a God who made the laws of physics tells me that it is clear there isn't proof to say there is no God and it therefore follows that you cannot say that belief in God is delusional.  

Chapter 9 - The God Delusion - Childhood, Abuse and the Escape from Religion

Professor Richard Dawkins starts this chapter with a story about a girl set in the 1850s who was taken from her Jewish parents because she had been baptised by a maid and the result was that she was not allowed to be brought up by her parents - in turn Professor Dawkins expresses dismay about how the parents would't renounce their faith and become Catholic at least just for the sake to be reunited with their daughter - the conclusion - religion is bad and I guess it follows there is no God.  No science in this - a bit disappointing.

Professor Dawkins continues to question the practice of parents bringing up their children a particular religion and suggests that this is akin to child abuse.  He also seems to play down sexual abuse generally and in particular child abuse by Catholic priests and suggests that teaching about hell is perhaps a greater form of abuse.  Indeed, Professor Dawkins refers to the abuse he suffered and notes he has long forgiven the abuser.

In summary, I didn't find any science in this chapter to suggest that belief in God is delusional. With regard to Professor Dawkins' point that children should be taught to think for themselves and then decide for themselves - I think this is valid however you would have to expect that the parents/society will obviously tailor such education in what they think is in the best interests of the child. As a Muslim, I would certainly want my children to receive a broad education (obviously including science) but I would also want them to learn about my religion (Islam) as well as other religions. Certainly, Islam places on each individual the decision as to what they want to believe.